Past Events

“History and Lore: Interpretive Emplotment and 'Empty Writing' in the 'Hereditary House of Zhao'”
Speaker: Amelia Ying Qin, California State University, Sacramento
“Localizing Sagehood: Cultural Memory of Yao, Shun, and Yu in Shanxi”
Speaker: Jae-hoon Shim, Dankook University
“A Deep History of Human Activity in the Jiuzhaigou National Park”
Speaker: Jade d’Alpoim Guedes, University of Washington
“A World without Hope: Putting an End to Luck in Early Chinese Thought”
Speaker: Trenton Wilson, Princeton University
“Staging the Corpse: Performativity and Materiality in Northern Wei Mortuary Art”
Speaker: Fan Zhang, Tulane University
“Remembrance in Clay and Stone: Early Memorial and Funerary Art of Southwest China”
Speaker: Hajni Elias, University of Cambridge
“Local Administrative Centers and their Transitions during the Warring States and Qin-Han Period”
Speaker: Tao Guo , Central China Normal University (China)
"The Empire of Sacrifice: The Great City Yong and the Archaeology of Religion"
Keynote Speakers: Tian Yaqi, Chen Aidong, Shaanxi Academy of Archaeology
In Search of Economic Growth in Ancient Eurasian Societies
Participating scholars: Marc Van De Mieroop, Li Feng et al.
Human-Environment Interaction in Early China
Participating scholars: Andrew Womack, Anke Hein, Yitzchak Jaffe, et al.
“Tracing the Origins and Evolution of the Signature System in Early Imperial China”
Speaker: Hsinning Liu, Academia Sinica
“On the Newly Identified Phrase ‘Worry is gone’ yōu wáng 憂亡, in the Shāng Oracle Bone Inscriptions”
Speaker: Adam Schwartz, Hong Kong Baptist University
“Hepu and the Maritime Silk Road”
Speaker: Francis Allard, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
“Hunting and Warfare: History of Shi 勢 in Early China”
Speaker: Boqun Zhou, University of Hong Kong
“Stirrings of the Heart, Stirrings of the Cosmos: The Worlds of Classical Chinese Aesthetics”
Speaker: Paul R. Goldin, University of Pennsylvania
“Building the Liangzhu City: Labour Organisation and Rice Economies”
Speaker: Yijie Zhuang, University College London
“Long-term Perspectives on Deer Management in China”
Speaker: Katherine Brunson, Wesleyan University
“Yueling and Yueling Commentary during the Han in Light of Xuanquanzhi”
Speaker: Charles Sanft, University of Tennessee
“Fall of the Scribes and the Rise of Han Literati”
Speaker: Christopher J. Foster, University of London
“Art and Technology: Early “Animal Style” Gold Artifacts Found in Northwest China and the Eurasian steppes”
Speaker: Yan (Fiona) Liu, Columbia University / Northwestern Polytechnical University (China)
“What Were They Thinking? History Making in the “Command to Yue” 說命 Chapter of the Exalted Writings (Shangshu 尚書)”
Speaker: Maddalena Poli, Pomona College
“Parallel Lives: Yi Yin, Fu Yue, and the Duke of Zhou”
Speaker: Kuan-yun (Kevin) Huang, National Sun Yat-sen University
“King Wen’s Just War: The Conquest of Chong in Early Chinese Discourse”
Speaker: Nicholas Vogt, Indiana University
Houma and Wenxian Covenant Texts
Participating scholars: Crispin Williams, Chris Kim, Maddalena Poli et al.
“From Gansu to Stockholm: Combining Excavations and Collections to Explore Interregional Interactions in Neolithic Northwestern China”
Speaker: Andrew Womack, Furman University
“Jerry Norman’s Ideas on the Reconstruction of Chinese”
Speaker: David Branner, Independent Scholar
“Engineering and Defense in the Later Mohist Military Chapters: The Organization of People, Objects, and Landscapes”
Speaker: Erica Brindley, Pennsylvania State University
Unearthing New Narratives in Early Chinese History
Participating scholars: Nicholas Vogt, Glenda Chao et al.
“Revisiting the Syntactical Functions and Semantic Features of the Universal Quantifier tun屯 in Early Chinese Texts”
Speaker: Huaqiang Song, Wuhan University
“Stele-statues and Manuscripts: Exploring the Buddho-Daoist Stelae of the Northern Dynasties”
Speaker: Gil Raz, Dartmouth College
Making Economy: Production and Distribution of Goods in the Western Zhou Dynasty (1045–771 BCE)
Participating scholars: Yan Sun, Dongming Wu, Chris Kim et al.
“What is Early Chinese Religion”
Speaker: Ori Tavor, University of Pennsylvania
“Copper Mining and Bronze Production in Shandong Province: A New Perspective on the Political Economy of the Shang State”
Speaker: Qingzhu Wang, Columbia University
“Early Chinese Thought via Shijing 詩經”
Speaker: Mick Hunter, Yale University
“The Han River as the Central Axis and the Predominance of Water: Questioning the Claim of “No Chu-related Traits” in the View of Terrestrial Space in the Rong Cheng shi Manuscript (4th c. BCE)”
Speaker: Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann, French National Centre for Scientific Research
“Collecting and Disseminating Technical Knowledge”
Speaker: Rens Krijgsman, Tsinghua University
“Shang and Zhou Concepts of Family and Lineage”
Speaker: Maria Khayutina, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
“Feasts and Gifts: Food Redistribution in Early Imperial China”
Speaker: Moonsil Lee Kim, Rhode Island College
“Fields, Markets and Trees: Contending Paradigms of Growth in Early China”
Speaker: Romain Graziani, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
“Charting the Early Chinese Oikumene”
Speaker: Min Li, University of California, Los Angeles
“Water Management in Prehistoric China: A Case Study of the Jianghan Plain (6000-4000 BP)”
Speaker: Jianguo Liu, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Chinese Frontiers and Central Eurasia: Art, Archaeology and History at the Turn of the Common Era
Participating scholars: Fanghan Wang, Shujing Wang et al.
“Good Wives? Jealousy and Domestic Violence in Marriages in Early China”
Speaker: Olivia Milburn, Seoul National University
“Understanding Hongshan Core-Zone Households and Communities”
Speaker: Christian E. Peterson, University of Hawaii at Manoa
“What were the Prime Movers for the Transition to Agriculture: Insights from Archaeological Research in Northeast China”
Speaker: Gideon Shelach-Lavi, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
“Cheap Substitutes or Fashionable Luxuries? The Use of Iron Mirrors in the Eastern Han”
Speaker: Yanlong Guo, Smith College
“The Material Culture of Personal Adornment in Ancient China”
Speaker: Sheri Lullo, Union College
“Solving the Mystery of the State of Zengof the Zhou Dynasty: In Light of the Recent Archaeological Discoveries in Suizhou, Hubei Province, China”
Speaker: Guodong Fan, Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
“Spring and Autumn Historiography: Formulaic phrasing and hierarchical display in Spring and Autumn records”
Speaker: Newell Ann Van Auken, University of Iowa
Integrative Approaches to Ceramic Anthropology in Early China: New Directions in Pottery Research
Participating scholars: Andrew Womack, Camilla Sturm et al.
“The Inner Asian Frontier Re-examined: Shaping the Study of Artifacts and Mental Boundaries”
Speaker: Yan Sun, Gettysburg College
“Coining Chinese Civilization: The Emergence of Civilizational Consciousness in Early China”
Speaker: Uffe Bergeton, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Ornament, Text, and the Creation of Sishen Mirrors in Western Han China”
Speaker: Jie Shi, Bryn Mawr College
“Material Culture, Identity, and Statecraft in the State of Zhongshan, Warring States Period”
Speaker: Xiaolong Wu, Hanover College
Workshop on the Grammar, Syntax and Rhetoric of the Zuozhuan
Participating scholars: Christoph Harbsmeier et al.
“Bronze-vessel Casting Industry and Regional Center of the Huai River Valley during the Shang (ca. 1400–1200 BC)”
Speaker: Xiaolin He, Wuhan University
“The Wind that Shakes the Barley: Consequences of the Food Globalization in Prehistory”
Speaker: Xinyi Liu,Washington University in St. Louis
“Rewriting Early Chinese Technical Literature for the Age of Empire”
Speaker: Ethan Harkness, New York University
“Approaching Chinese Shamanism through a Comparative Context, With Assistance from the Early Chinese Song Cycle called 'The Nine Songs'”
Speaker: Thomas Michael, Beijing Normal University
“State and Environment in China's First Empire: A Political Ecology of Qin”
Speaker: Brian Lander, Brown University
“Routes of Communication between Erlitou Culture and the Southern Region in Bronze Age China”
Speaker: Pang Xiaoxia, Tang Center for Early China; Institute of Archaeology, CASS
“New Discoveries at Taosi and the Study of State Formation in Early China”
Speaker: Gao Jiangtao, Institute of Archaeology CASS
“‘Classical Chinese’ and its Discontents: What, if anything, was yăyán 雅言 ('refined language')?”
Speaker: Wolfgang Behr, University of Zürich
Early Cities and Economy - The Development of Urbanism, Regional Politics, and Economic Networks in the Shandong Peninsula before the Rise of Empire
Participating scholars: Anne Underhill, FANG Hui et al.
“The Vulnerability of Integrity in Early Confucian Thought”
Speaker: Michael Ing, Indiana University
“Researching the Cultural History of Xiangyang through Archaeological Remains”
Speaker: Glenda Chao, Ursinus College
“Divination and the Body in Ancient China”
Speaker: Constance A. Cook, Lehigh University
A Workshop to Explore Interdisciplinary Interventions into the Study of the Ancient East Eurasian South
Participating scholars: Erica Brindley et al.
“On the Creation of the Warring States: An Exploration of a Historiographical Staple”
Speaker: Miranda Brown, University of Michigan
“Technological Changes on the Proto-Silk Roads: The Tao River Archaeology Project, Gansu, China”
Speaker: Rowan Flad, Harvard University
“Notes on the Note (ji 記) in Early Chinese Manuscripts: Between Administration and Affect”
Speaker: Luke Habberstad, University of Oregon
“How Classical Chinese Grammar Looked to Its First Native Students”
Speaker: David Prager Branner, independent scholar
“Communities and Practice in Early China – Social Action in the Zhou World”
Speaker: Yitzchak Jaffe, ISAW, NYU

“Reading Shi Ji without the Biographical Fallacy”
Speaker: Yang Lei, Carleton College

“Imperial Mausoleums and the Han Economy, 206 BC – AD 220”
Speaker: Jiao Nanfeng, Harvard-Yenching Institute, and Shaanxi Institute of Archaeology

“Fleshing out the Social Identity of Human Sacrificial Victims in Late Shang, China”
Speaker: Daniela Wolin, Yale University
"The First Neolithic Urban Center on China’s Loess Plateau: Discovery and Interpretation of the Shimao Site"
Keynote Speaker: Sun Zhouyong, Shaanxi Academy of Archaeology
“Early Chinese Medical Literature before the Huangdi 黃帝 Classic: New Manuscripts from Laoguanshan 老官⼭ Tomb 3, Sichuan”
Speaker: Donald Harper, University of Chicago
Zoumalou Administrative Documents
Participating scholars: Brian Lander et al.
“Secrets of the Sea: A Tang Shipwreck and Early Trade in Asia”
Participating scholars: Bryan Averbuch et al.
“Gender and Economic Productivity in Han China”
Speaker: Tamara Chin, Brown University
“The Painted Pottery of the Miaodigou Culture and the Rise of Civilization in China: The Excavation at Yangguanzhai and Its Significance”
Speaker: Wang Weilin, Shaanxi Museum of History
The Excavation of the Haihunhou Tomb
Keynote Speakers: Yang Jun, Jiangxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology Zhang Zhongli, Shaanxi Academy of Archaeology

“Who is the Barbarian in Zuozhuan?”
Speaker: Wai-yee Li, Harvard University
“Beyond the Five Colors: Reconsidering Purple and its Sources in Ancient China.”
Speaker: Allison Miller, Southwestern University
“The Emergence and Development of Mechanical Duplication Technique in the Casting of Ancient Chinese Bronze Inscriptions”
Speaker: SAKIKAWA Takashi, Jilin University
“Understanding Xunzi and Zhuangzi through Hui Shi”
Speaker: Annping Chin, Yale University
“Investigating the Anyang Bone Industries: Technologies, Standardization, and the Missing Royal Workshop”
Speaker: Yung-Ti Li, University of Chicago
“The Anthropocene Is A Process Not An Event: China from the Late Neolithic to the Song Dynasty”
Speaker: Tristram Kidder, Washington University in St. Louis
“Xiaoyao and shuchi : Some Special Uses of Alliterative and Rhyming Binomes in the Transmitted and Excavated Documents”
Speaker: Chen Zhi, Hong Kong Baptist University
“The First Emperor’s Mausoleum: New Discoveries and New Interpretations”
Speaker: Cao Wei, Shaanxi University, China
“Picturing Political Abstractions in Han China”
Speaker: Martin Powers, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
“Hollow and Useless Luxuries: Asian Trade in the Age of Sinbad the Sailor”
Speaker: John Guy, FSA, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
“Idlers on the Southwest Frontier: Native Continuities or Evasions of Han Imperial Time”
Speaker: Alice Yao, University of Chicago
“The History of the State of Zeng through New Archeological Discoveries”
Speaker: Fang Qin, Hubei Provincial Museum and Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
“Dependency vs. Vulnerability in Early China-Steppe Interaction: New Data for Old Problems”
Speaker: Nicola Di Cosmo, Institute for Advanced Study
“Urban Neighborhoods: Social and Spatial Organization of the Great Shang Settlement”
Speaker: Jing Zhichun, University of British Columbia
“Rethinking ritual and the excavation of special deposits at Shang sites”
Speaker: Katrinka Reinhart, San Francisco State University
“Recent Discoveries on Old Chinese and Pre-Qín Documents”
Speaker: William H. Baxter, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
“Excavated Legal Cases from Ancient China and Egypt”
Speaker: Professor Anthony Barbieri-Low, University of California, Santa Barbara
Realm of God and King – Recent Discovery of the Liangzhu City and Rise of Civilizations in Southern China
Keynote Speaker: Professor Liu Bin, Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Archaeology