The Early China Seminar Series
The Early China Seminar was founded in 2002 as an inter-university forum for the study of early Chinese civilization from the Neolithic period to the end of the Han Dynasty (A.D. 220). The seminar offers a multidisciplinary space, bringing together scholars from all fields related to early China—history, archaeology, art history, literature and language, religion and philosophy – and aims at stimulating creative new insight and analysis based especially on recently discovered archaeological and textual materials. As a part of the Tang Center’s operations, the Early China Seminar is dedicated to promoting public interest in and understanding of the cultural and historical legacy of Early China.
The Early China Seminar lecture Series, covering a wide range of topics of broad interests, is open to students, scholars, and the registered public members of the Tang Center.
In order to facilitate more in-depth and sustained conversations about key topics in the study of Early China, the Early China Seminar will inaugurate a series of special workshops in addition to the regular seminar lectures. These workshops will focus on a key topic in a given year with each meeting exploring a sub-topic. While the topics themselves will be focused, the conversation will be interdisciplinary and even inter-regional, with Early China at the core. The Early China Seminar Special Workshops are by invitation only.
Current Co-Chairs: Professors Ethan Harkness (NYU) & Glenda Chao (Ursinus College )
Click HERE for information on the next meetings of the Early China Seminar Lecture Series.
Click HERE for information on the next meetings of the Early China Seminar Special Workshops.
Click HERE for information on recently held meetings of the Early China Seminar.