The Tang Center Series in Early China
The dramatic increase of information about China’s early past made possible by archaeological discoveries in the past thirty years has made Early China a reemerging new field of knowledge. The “Tang Center Series in Early China,” sponsored by the Tang Center for Early China at Columbia University, and published by Columbia University Press, presents works that reflect this development. The series includes new studies that make major contributions to our understanding of early Chinese civilization or that which break new theoretical or methodological grounds in Early China studies. The series is especially interested in publishing works that analyze newly discovered paleographic and manuscript materials as well as archaeological data. Disciplinary focuses of the series include history, archaeology, art history, anthropology, literature, philosophy, and the history of sciences and technology. The time period covered by the series spans from the Neolithic to the end of the Han Dynasty (AD 220), or to the end of the Tang Dynasty (AD 907) for titles in archaeology. All submissions are subject to peer review and editorial evaluation. The series allows the generous inclusion of maps and illustrations, as well as archaic Chinese characters as necessary to explain the content of the text.
Please see here for more information at Columbia University Press.
Series Editors:
Li Feng Columbia University.
Anthony Barbieri University of California, Santa Barbara.
Editorial Board
Li Liu, Stanford University
Anthony Barbieri, University of California at Santa Barbara
Nicola Di Cosmo, Institute for Advanced Study
John Major, Independent
David Pankenier, Lehigh Universiy
Li Feng, Columbia University
Call for Manuscripts
Interested authors should submit a book proposal (maximum 25 manuscript pages), accompanied by CV, to: [email protected], or by mail to:
1140 Amsterdam Avenue
509 Kent Hall, MC 3907, Columbia University
New York City, NY 10027
Please see the proposal guidelines here. Do not summit the full manuscript until requested by the Tang Center.
Successful candidates, please refer to the Asian Style Guidelines, information listed here and the ‘Columbia University Press Guide for Authors’ for final version of the manuscript delivered to the press.

Modeling Peace
Royal Tombs and Political Ideology in Early China
Jie Shi
Columbia University Press

Many Worlds Under One Heaven
Material Culture, Identity, and Power in the Northern Frontiers of the Western Zhou, 1045–771 BCE
Yan Sun
Columbia University Press

Kingly Crafts
The Archaeology of Craft Production in Late Shang China
Yung-ti Li
Columbia University Press

Kingly Splendor
Court Art and Materiality in Han China
Allison R. Miller
Columbia University Press

Mediation of Legitimacy in Early China
A Study of the Neglected Zhou Scriptures and the Grand Duke Traditions
Yegor Grebnev
Columbia University Press

Spring and Autumn Historiography
Form and Hierarchy in Ancient Chinese Annals
Newell Ann Van Auken
Columbia University Press

Remembrance in Clay and Stone
Early Memorial and Funerary Art of Southwest China
Hajni Elias
Columbia University Press